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Others about Mark

Thoroughly enjoyed Mark’s lecture. What particularly appealed to me were the personal stories and examples. Also, the lecture gave me many new insights and was enjoyable to follow. Highly recommended if you want to get more done in a day.
– Artjanna Hulsman-Harkhoe, visibility expert

Mark is awesome: he shares his gigantic knowledge about focus and the brain in such an enthusiastic and smooth manner that you stay enthralled listening. I have had the opportunity to attend a few of his trainings and am a big fan of how he does everything. Amazing how you can be such a giant nerd but translate that to the audience in such a fun and accessible way.
– Charlotte van ‘t Wout, entrepreneur and business influencer

Mark is a very thorough trainer, he speaks at a smooth easy-to-follow speed and tone. In addition, his enthusiasm in the subject to be trained activates that the student stays well on task. In other words, should you see a chance to take one or more of Mark’s classes? DO!
– Ric Roggeveen, Commissioning Engineer Sr – RH Marine

Lack of focus and too little attention are common complaints of entrepreneurs, managers and their team members. Mark Tigchelaar not only gives you a complete series of practical tips, he also immediately explains the ideas behind them.
Taco Oosterkamp, best-selling author and business coach

In every field, I seek out the best of the best. The experts who stand head and shoulders above the rest. In terms of focus and productivity, Mark is. He possesses the gift of translating his knowledge into concrete tips that anyone can apply. I love these lifehacks that make life a lot more enjoyable. When you apply the tips from his training, you get more done, experience more satisfaction and simply live a happier life.
Thijs Lindhout, 100% Inspiration Podcast

I have done many courses and workshops, but this Masterclass by Mark Tigchelaar was an absolute TOPPER! The training was well organized and Mark is a competent and enjoyable instructor. What is learned is immediately applicable, you notice results immediately and it is fun to do.
– Willem Hoving, TMC Physics

Mark knows how to effortlessly hold your attention on the fundamental topic of “attention. Well-researched and practical training to get more out of your life.
Wouter de Jong, author of the bestselling Mindgym

Mark “walks the talk. He is a keen tour guide in the quest to get more out of your brain. Clear frameworks from anatomy and the workings of the brain create a solid platform for the information to land pleasantly. Mark guides the group sympathetically, skillfully and with momentum.
– Atilla Mohiddin, independent trainer

Having focus goes beyond just getting a lot done in a day. Focus gives peace of mind and leads to a finer life. In his lectures, Mark shows how focus and happiness are connected and how we can do things with more focus.
– Sanny Verhoeven, entrepreneur and YouTuber: Sanny seeks happiness

His books are required reading for every knowledge worker: the confrontation and awareness of your own customs and behaviors, in conjunction with friendly solutions to improve yourself. Lots of good examples combined with a scientific approach. A clear and refreshing look into the working world and how everything becomes more focused when you put your mind to it. Last but not least, his books read like a train.
– Loes Grooten, hr professional at Rabobank

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Mark is able to keep you captivated and anticipates questions from participants well. Despite the large group of 60, you feel personally seen and addressed and that makes it enjoyable to attend a seminar by Mark.
– Annemieke Groeneveld, owner

Mark shows how assumptions about concentration, reading and memorization keep us from our work and how you can get much more done with little effort. For anyone who needs professional attention, his book is an enrichment.
– Arjan Broere, master gtd trainer

His lectures will give you concrete tips, tools, and apps that you can put to use right away.
Roeland Reinders, founder of Connecting Works

Mark helps anyone who would like to learn, read and work with greater attention and effective use of time. Particularly recommended also for students and high school students; it certainly helps them learn more effectively.
– Monique Bos-Wijers, lecturer in Learning & Development in Organizations at Arnhem and Nijmegen University of Applied Sciences

A very nice way of training: clear explanations, no endless powerpoints but live schematic drawings (explanimation) and respectful interaction with all participants.
– Niels Duifhuizen

To know all about how to have a productive day and go home fulfilled, just follow the focus keynote’
– Martijn Geerlings, head of sales at Optimizly

Incredibly interesting to learn more about how the brain works, and how to use it skillfully to achieve more with less energy. Who would not benefit from this?
– Esther Schnepper, associate attorney-at-law IP

Attended Mark’s training last week. Mark experienced as a pleasant trainer who very easily plays with the subject and thus can put the message down well and get results. That day my reading speed was already 100% higher. Mark, thanks for this.
– Koen Berghuis

The Focus on/off keynote does what it promises. If you have followed it, you will know better where your pitfalls are and how to make sure you get more focus.
– Ann-Lynn Hamelink, editor-in-chief at rtlz

Mark teaches the course full of positive energy. The lecture was very well put together. I just thought a little more attention could be paid to mind mapping. The opportunities you get to practice and learn at home through the online brain pack are a very good addition to the lecture so you don’t miss anything. Overall: I give this course + trainer a fat
– Willjan Ten Broek, entrepreneur

Book Mark for lecture?

If you do your expectations times ten, you get close to the value you get from his workouts.
– Klaas Kroezen, CEO at wua!

His keynote dealt with a recognizable situation for many people: that there is so much in your head that sometimes you can’t get much more out of it. It is precisely the familiarity and the accessible way in which this is brought up that makes it suitable for many people.
Henriette van Balkom, lecturer in sph at Avans University of Applied Sciences

Mark Tiggelaar explains in a fun and accessible way why it is that we all get so easily distracted by everything around us and the associations our own brain gets when absorbing certain information. Fortunately, there are effective methods to gain more control over your own brain. This book offers good tools for this.
– Tatiana van Lier, manager of Communications and Stakeholder Management at do

We drive ourselves crazy by always working more and harder. Mark’s book offers practical tools to break this vicious circle and improve the quality of life and work!
– Astrid van Leeuwen, leading senior Operational Risk Management at De Volksbank

Using examples from our (working) lives, Mark talks about the scientific background of focus and concentration and what you can do to influence it. The perfect balance of depth and applicability.
– Willem van der Ree, manager at kpn

Another day flew by and again you just didn’t do what you had planned? Then you will definitely benefit from this practical training. Clear examples and good tips from Mark!
Eveline Welling, hr consultant at Devhouse Spindle

Mark is a pleasant trainer, who was very thoughtful with us to make the training fit our employees. He was also very flexible in terms of scheduling. The training itself is immediately applicable and practical. Lots of exercises and interactive. This made the time fly by! I can definitely recommend this training.
– Margo Steegeman

The enthusiastic way of presenting and the good distribution of the material kept you on track. A good combination of imparting knowledge and putting it into practice immediately. This also immediately shows the results of applying what has been learned. This encourages to continue this at home.
– Frans Brouwers, independent coach

Attended Focus Management workshop given by Mark Tigchelaar. Was tremendously inspiring. Became a certified Focus Academy trainer myself as a result and now get to train others in this fascinating subject.
– Vincent Heinink, senior manager BNP

Pleasant and knowledgeable trainer who knows and teaches you to focus using science-based theory coupled with practice. In the training, he uses practical exercises and fun tests.
– Corrie Voncken labor coach and trainer

Book Mark for lecture?

Mark puts students in an active mode, where they clearly learn something in an enthusiastic way! We have hired Mark several times to conduct a training session for about 400 students.
– Hester Lents, lecturer at The Hague University of Applied Sciences

Very clear presentation by Mark, with many immediately applicable methodologies. The day flew by and was well filled to the end with interesting and useful information.
– Pablo Smet

Mark Tigchelaar delivered the training in a fantastic, understandable way. Not once did I get the feeling that I was not taken seriously. The teaching material is very well presented.
– Henny Groenewoud

This training is very much in line with daily practice. I have learned to be much more aware of distracting stimuli (internal and external). And to close my energy gaps. This definitely helps me do my work with more focus. Experienced trainer.
– Susan van Gemeren.

Very clear explanations and good examples that were very recognizable. I found it a learning course. Learning to read fast really has results right away.So I say do that course!!!
– Erwin Terlouw,2nd line case manager

Attended a good instructive keynote by Mark Tiggelaar on Friday, June 1, in the heart of Amsterdam. Training your brain is not only useful but also fun. This keynote is highly recommended.
– Mickel van Tilburg, director

Good keynote with very clear explanations and many examples. Also very practically oriented. Lots of room for questions from participants. Have a feeling I can really work on this.
– Linda Truyens, project associate

Mark Tigchelaar was a guest speaker at our annual event we host for our clients. Despite having more than 200 people in attendance, he managed to touch everyone with his message. Fine to listen to and nice that it was also an interactive lecture.
– Jeroen Beeks

A fun short lecture in which you will gain simple but very practically useful knowledge and skills. Mark is a pleasant trainer who gives plenty of room for questions from the group.
– Thelma Stobbelaar

By now over a year ago, attended the keynote lecture. Still make frequent use of the various memory techniques today. Mark Tigchelaar was able to inspire and motivate me in an enthusiastic way.
– Robbert Oomens

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